vendredi 6 mai 2011

How to buy diamond jewellery

    Purchase of a diamond can be a daunting task. We have tried to simplify a technical issue.
Decide what properties of the diamond are most important to you. Write, in order of importance, that of c. 5 s concern you more: cost, Carat, color, clarity and cut. Most people want big. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But we would like you to be aware of what you may be waived in exchange for a large stone. When show us people two stones with similar properties, a little smaller with a better cut one and the other a little more, but not as good a Cup, they usually prefer the best Cup. It is the best Cup allowing more light to reflect through diamond and give more life to turn. Find a jeweler who is ready to show you the difference, it is worth your time.
Go to jewellery and get the price of the market for the type of diamond that you are looking for. Look at the quality of the stones they are quoting you. Make sure when comparing prices you compare apples with apples. It is in fact very difficult to do. Minor example, differences in the Cup and proportions can have serious consequences on a stone of price and beauty. A most important point to remember do not compare the price of a diamond certified with a price of a diamond which is not certified. You may be in for a surprise. Request a certificate. There are several independent laboratories there. The best known is the GIA, Gemological Institute of America. GIA is a great service by offering the public a metric to compare diamonds and prices of different suppliers diamond, Jewellers and dealers. However, if you do not know the rules of the game, even that doesn't help. Other well-known laboratories include EGL, DIA and JCSA.
Locate clarifies and corresponding color. In other words, don't buy a colour high/low clarity or clarity high/low colour diamond. In the same vein, why pay more for an "Ideal" cut diamond and then accept a lower color and clarity? You pay a premium serious to say a color diamond "E". What is the purpose of paying the premium and then buy a diamond SI2? Why not get a colour or two and increase clarifies one or two? It is a very common practice.
Is it safe to buy a diamond on the Internet? Good question. Yes sometimes, sometimes not. If you make sure that you know who you are dealing with, it may be. Just because you have found a good provider on the Internet, this does not mean that you cannot make an effort to visit them in person. Of course sometimes distances make it impractical. In these cases, you have to judge by yourself, if it is safe to do business with them. If you decide to take the risk, make sure that you only buy a certified stone and make sure that they offer a guarantee that if you don't like the stone after viewing it, you can return it.

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