samedi 14 mai 2011

5 Reasons you should invest in gold

Reason # 1 - global currency loses its value

The U.S. dollar is already very low, and will probably continue to fall. However, countries around the world are refusing to believe that the dollar is declining. Because of this global currency loses its value, which will cause gold to rise significantly. Gold is bought and sold in US dollars. If whenever the value of the dollar goes down, the price of gold back.

The dollar is the worlds reserve currency which means dictates just about everything. But since it is more supported by gold is nothing more then a piece of paper.

Reason # 2 - the application of gold is on the rise

Once the world is finally beginning to realize and accept what is current, they will seek an alternative to their paper money. This will reduce demand for gold to go sky high. To meet the demand, things such as gold ETF's have been created.

Investing in gold is an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and protect your wealth you have worked for many years. Although its price can sometimes be very volatile, it will always maintain its long-term value. Therefore it protects you against inflation.

Reason # 3 - much money floating around - AKA Inflation

As I said just above, or protect you from inflation. In fact, inflation is what determines the price of gold. That inflation increases, it is the price of gold. During the years of 1946, 1974, 1975, 1979 and 1980 inflation was at its peak. And during this time the yield on stocks, measured by the average Dow Jones index was-12.33%. On the other hand, during this same period, the yield on average gold was 130.4%. Big difference.

Reason # 4 - the financial system for the United States degrades

The Federal Government is currently in a deep sea of debt that they do not seem to escape. Because the deficit is so high, the dollar is linked to the collapse which would obviously make gold the best option.

Reason # 5 - gold used as money becomes Acceptable

Nations around the world, including Islam and the Argentina are moves to the safeguarding of their currency with gold. The reason why gold is considered an asset is because it never loses its intrinsic value as the US dollar.

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