mercredi 4 mai 2011

Cursed diamond

   Diamonds are among the finest and most sought after gemstones in the world. They are often a symbol of love, devotion and beauty. Diamonds seem to be the perfect gift for any occasion from an engagement for a birthday or simply say "I love you". While most of the stories surrounding this precious gem are calibre of fairy tale, there are a few diamonds throughout history that are supposed to be cursed — leaving the owner surrounded by sadness and evil.
One of these so-called cursed diamonds is the Taylor-Burton diamond. Elizabeth Taylor was well known for his over-the-top fashions designed to allow the spotlight solely on him. His romance with Richard Burton was a rollercoaster full of happiness, sadness, scandal and passion. Richard Burton showered Taylor with many beautiful pieces of jewelry, but none has been as famous that the 69-carat pendant in the shape of PEAR diamond. She wore the collar often and its magnificence around her neck perfectly matched his own impressive presence. However, some believe that this diamond was a player in the disappearance of rocky relationship with Burton Taylor.
The Sancy diamond is a diamond on the list to be surrounded by mystery and deceit. The history of the dating of Sancy diamond in about 1570 in the France Court in Constantinople. The Sancy diamond is a stone of 55 carats with a pale yellow colour. Things start to turn South to the owners of this diamond when Henry III he borrowed from his owner, Seigneur de Sancy, to decorate his Cap Henri III was bald at a young age and was seen as a vain monarch. Henri IV followed his footsteps and also borrowed the diamond for selfish reasons. He wanted that the diamond to ensure that the expenses for the construction of an army. He sent diamond with confidence messenger who never took to its destination. Found the body of the messenger, they discovered the diamond in his belly. Diamond Sancy passed into the hands of many more still left royals a trace of deception and debt in its wake.
Another diamond cursed to dot the pages of history is the black Orlov. This diamond was discovered in India in the early 1880s. The Black Orlov is 195 carats and a color deep onyx. It was found in a shrine where he was later stolen by a Hindu monk. The flight is expected to have caused a malignant spirit to inhabit the diamond cursing anyone is. Finally, the black Orlov made its way into the hands of the Russian royals and it became a part of their Crown jewels. The diamond has been appointed to the Princess Nadia Vyegin-Orlov, who owned the diamond. The curse followed her, and after having fled the Russia and sale of jewellery from her family, she committed suicide by jumping from a building. Oddly enough the next owner of the cursed diamond, Russian princess Sonja Galitsine-Pricess also committed suicide by jumping from a building.
Cursed diamond next and perhaps most famous is the Hope diamond. The original Hope diamond was immense size to 112 carats. Louis XV of France, the first famous owner of the diamond, had reduced it to 67 carats for use in the Crown jewels. The curse of the Hope diamond starts with its origins when it was stolen the front of a Hindu Idol. Shortly after the sale of the diamond, the thief died a horrible death during his travels. The hope diamond has been involved in many flights over the years and it is said that once a person has taken possession of the diamond, they wanted to get rid of it for all the misfortune that he introduced them.

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