dimanche 7 août 2011

How protect you the economy! S and p downgrade of credit we

Silver and Gold became more and more popular today. It used to be that everywhere where you expected you have seen the signs "Buy us houses," now see you everywhere "we buy gold." The gold and silver trend is picking up, the main question is are you capitalizing on it?

We had a few new scary hit yesterday. The S & P announced that the United States credit rating has been decommissioned! If you do not know what this means, it means that we as a country, basically have a worst credit rating and will find it more difficult for us to borrow money. This leads to inflation, the weakening of the dollar American and silver and gold increased rapidly.

If you choose to strictly buy bullion or diversify with numismatics, which is to you, however in both cases you will begin to see silver and gold more visible in the media. Personally, I think that money is the best way to go as the historical gap is not even close between the gold and silver right now. The two, but you will see are beginning to gain from the application.

A common Question: but what happens if I don't have enough money to invest large amounts?

That's ok! You can begin by gathering each month and grow from there. My goal is to educate the public on what is really happening in our country right now. If you have silver and gold, physical step (no, I don't mean the ETF or that your precious metals are stocked away in a safety deposit box), then it is important that you find out about important how to diversify your portfolio with silver and gold. I say physical because even now with what is happening with JP Morgan you can never be too cautious to trust others with your investments.

Go to the coast of not having enough to invest, there are ways to earn more money while collecting gold and silver of the pair. Do what is best for you and your family, to review your budget and diversify where you put your money. Let me conclude by saying that I am not a financial planner, but I have extensively studied this, and it is simply a fact that the money and gold will begin to rise very shortly, and will begin in the fall of the dollar. Ask yourself, are you ready? Otherwise, it's ok, because I did not either until I found a reliable source to treat. My final words of advice are to take this information to heart and be aware of what was going on.

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