If you want to know how you can say silver is doing well? When all major analysts and commentators, who have managed to be a 100% of money for the moment, begin to give him treatment "analysis of gold." The incredible and spectacular of the prize money increase last year attracted many by surprise, and it is second nature to be suspicious about this race and suspect a "bubble" in the manufacture. However, if you do not know the basic principles behind the wheel of this very strong performance you can be in based on misperceptions of driving your money and positioning decisions. The plain facts are most analysts have completely excludes money and how, along with gold, the precious metal is signaling a systemic monetary change.
Failure of the traditional 'get it' on money is very strange. It is a little as if they have a belief structure that will not let something as trivial as facts get their reasoning and conclusions. But instead of the name of the appellant, we are going to just take a look at some of their predictions and analysis of money for this year.
Bloomberg reported the "expert" for peak of prize money in 2011 would be $29.50, with a decrease of 25% expected in 2012, leading to a floor of $20 an ounce in 2013. But there is a stunner: the mainstream consensus was silver could be negotiated to an average of $18.65 for this year. Wow, this is a 100% error margin! And when you hold account of the increase in prices of annual money from 21% of the course of the past 10 years, that you have to ask what kind of dramatic shift occur to reverse this systemic trend.
The greatest indicator of the future of money is the most fundamental: supply and demand. In 2010, approximately 735 million ounces of silver has been exploited, and at this same time frame industrial demand, the balance going to satisfy the consumption of investment have consumed more than 605 million ounces. It is estimated in addition there is currently approximately 1.2 billion ounces of silver held in inventories, and which is compared with the $ 2.2 billion of ounces of gold being held in inventory of the reserves. Over the past 100 years the overall supply above ground of gold was steady has increased, but the total of money from a previous global inventory more $ 12 billion ounces.
This is true: we are now up to 10% of historic levels of money while the gold reserves increased during the same period of time. What happened to all that money? It has been used by more than 7,000 medical, and industrial applications most of it disappeared forever. Money is a true and universal, which makes the unique element in the world of money. Everyone wants or needs as money and an industrial products indispensable and irreplaceable.
This is one of the more simple pieces of advice and investor insights anyone can ever give you: have a lot of what everyone wants and needs.
Get some money today, tomorrow and next week. Or listen to the gurus TV chattering class, which all mistaken, and let yourself be lulled into inaction.
Aaron kutchinsky is a writer, speaker and activist committed financial.
In 2010, Aaron created and founded Guardian Gold & Silver as a final and innovative alternative to the standard of the industry of gold, a company focused on the mission and revolutionary of precious metals with 3 goals specific to the spirit:
? Do the right thing.
? to encourage other people to understand.
? Get in the boat as possible as well.
It is extremely important understand the current world financial paradigm, which is now well underway. Visit http://www.guardiangoldandsilver.com/ for more information and knowledge and to request our special report.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_Kutchinsky

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