Stop the inflation! Invest in the most popular online affairs here!
Salvation is ultimately the Act and the deliberate choice of an individual who took the decision of creatively shaping their future.
Sal?va?tion - noun
1. the law to maintain or protection against harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
2. the State to be registered or protected by lesions, risk, etc.
3. a source, the cause or the means to be saved or protected by lesions, risk, etc.
4. the issuance of the power and the penalty of sin; redemption.
In theological terms or on a daily practical basis, the choice for salvation was born of a vision of a better tomorrow, and we all are called to accept or refuse such decisive possibilities every day of our lives.
The challenge more difficult, that we face is to be aware of and understand our choices and to find the strength to exercise our will. Because it is not logical, neither intelligence nor special insight that gives us the courage and foresight to take action. Instead, it is by our own personal grace that allows to gain the courage to overcome the actual Devils of our human nature in order to dynamically steward our personal development, the development and sustainability. Grace gives us the courage to get rid of usual dead narcoleptic irons and opinion hardened and dull and choose a specific creative future.
Gold and silver salvation is now
The financial world that you've grown up is complete. He did not reach any both and the major decisions that led us here were made for decades. Nevertheless, most high and wide of everyone you know is in a State voluntary and determined of ignorance as to the true reality of our world today. Actually attend us and participate in the largest and most dramatic world paradigm shift history has never known and only those who take cautious and conscious action will be in a State of muscle economic viability.
In fact, on the greatest world stage debate and conversation on the empire of the United States and the Dollar is above. If you just look at you will find nothing other than overwhelming evidence that the global financial system is moving to protect and to position themselves away from the Dollar and its failure toxic and corrosive. Imagine for a moment: is not the Dollar failed you constantly for your life? Each year brings you less purchasing power?
Reality: The Dollar is the class of underperforming assets over the past 40 years and has lost an amazing 80% of its purchasing power since 1971, the year that we have broken the last link between the dollar and gold. Do you think this incredible inflation is normal? It is not - it is only the indisputable evidence of a dying currency. All paper currencies are not reaching 100% of the time without exception, and this is how they do. It is because they are not real money and exist as a practical tool for the Government and their accomplices of banker until the debilitating forces of massive debt and fiscal madness seal their fate.
Your personal financial salvation is at hand. All you have to do is consider as true problem and ask yourself if it makes sense to have all your hopes invested in a piece of paper that has lost 97% of its purchasing power since the US began to maintain any real value?
Your work has been transformed into dollars and denominated instruments and they are all vulnerable. What is you have developed all the options?
Pull the thread yourself, and see where it leads you. Rid your calcified opinion rings and expectations in a certain way tomorrow will be like yesterday and discover if your intuitive feelings are correct, because we know all at any level that something is terribly wrong. This article is another clue for you, who came to the attention and consciousness by a kind of mysterious grace, you are being called to discover, namely and to act - and to do so now.
Gold and silver are real money. In the classic sense of the term, they are your economic salvation. This has been their functions and the purpose for thousands of years. Unfortunately, most people will choose to ignore all the posters and each piece of evidence that the world has changed and we must act in accordance with our actual reality. Please don't be one of them.
Salvation is a personal choice and an affirmation of life. Please choose wisely. Or step, but be prepared for the consequences of this choice, because the future is already here.
Aaron kutchinsky is a writer, speaker and activist committed financial.
In 2010, Aaron created and founded Guardian Gold & Silver as a final and innovative alternative to the standard of the industry of gold, a company focused on the mission and revolutionary of precious metals with 3 goals specific to the spirit:
? Do the right thing.
? to encourage other people to understand.
? Get in the boat as possible as well.
It is extremely important understand the current world financial paradigm, which is now well underway. Visit http://www.guardiangoldandsilver.com/ for more information and knowledge.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_Kutchinsky
These days investors have a bit of worry. The economy is recovering very slowly, inflation is a real threat, and there is a culture of competition from foreign economies. For most investors, in the period of uncertainty, they decide to buy precious metals such as gold and silver. Over the past 4 years, prices of gold and silver have been on the rise.
Investors look at metals such as silver and gold as a way of protecting their assets the value of the dollar should continue to fall. Over the last 54 weeks the price of the iShares Silver Trust has almost doubled. iShares Silver Trust tracks the price of money. It would be surprising, but silver did better than gold. And we all know is not an easy task.
And while the earnings that silver experienced are quite impressive, you must remember that gold bull market began before the silver. Always keep in mind that the money is not a stock. When you purchase shares you buy a piece of property of a company that produces revenues, earnings and dividends.
When you purchase a precious metal such as silver, you basically are betting that you will be able to sell the metal for a higher price in the future. I do not know that the money is the new gold medal, but it is very well when stocks are having a bad password. So if you think that stocks are in for a bad performance over the next years, silver is a good investment.
But you must be very pessimistic on the future of the us to invest heavily in money economy. In 2010, silver had a gain of 80%. It was its best gain since late 80. When you buy goods such as money after that they had such breakout year, generally not very good results.
If you are planning to invest money make sure you have a plan. You need to know at what price you sell before you invest. If prices fall to your predetermined level, exit immediately. Don't wait.
When it comes down to it, silver is a good investment if the economy continues to recover at a snails pace. However, if the economy is indeed better faster then what most people thought, then the money is not good as an investment.
Reason # 1 - the application of the money is on the rise
In the first two months of 2011, the US currency sold as much $ as did gold dollars. Only Chinese demand is 20%. Now, they are importing 112 million ounces. That should tell you how valuable money is.
Reason # 2: demand for Silver is in the sector of technology
Industrial production of money increased by 18% in 2010. It was the demand to increase money in the technology sector. More we see that the money used in computers, cell phones and other electronic devices. The health sector is also beginning to use the money more antibiotic properties. It is already used in clothing and several medical devices.
Reason # 3 - there is a shortage of money
A shortage occurs when there is more demand there is supply. Although there are millions of ounces of silver in the ground, it is not enough available on the market. The fact that it takes two weeks for the silver medal for hit shows that is not enough available inventory.
Reason # 4 - too much money on the world market paper
The US Federal Reserve and central banks around the world are still dealing with the high debt. They try to solve the problem by pumping more paper currency in the global market. Thus, the value of paper currency will continue to decline and the value of gold and other hard assets will continue to rise. Given that the Federal Reserve was created more than 100 years ago, the dollar has been on a steady decline. It has lost more than 90% of its value, and will continue to lose its value over time. Thus, the value of money will rise.
Reason # 5 - we are in a financial crisis
Inflation is often regarded as the main reason for hard assets such as place of gold and silver in value. However, this is not always the case. Take for example the 1990s, while inflation was between 1% and 6% per year. During this time, the price of silver and gold is a not move much. Why? Because no there was no demand. And no there was no application because that during this time the United States is experiencing a boom.
But currently, the US economy is not growing. In 2008 where everything seemed to collapse around us, made investors there was a serious problem and has chosen to invest in safer assets such as silver and gold. So that more and more people begin to realize that the Government cannot manage the current crisis, the price of silver will be arrow.
If you look at the history, you'll see that gold retains always its value even when there is an economic depression and the national currency, in this case the dollar loses its value. Allocation of a portion of your investment in gold is almost like an insurance policy protects you against inflation. The price of gold will continue to rise as the dollar continues to lose value. Here are 10 reasons you should consider buying gold now.
Reason # 1 - as I have already said, the dollar is weak and it will be more low over time.
Reason 2: the assessment of the price of gold consist for any loss of interest incur you.
Reason # 3 - banks around the world increase their gold holdings. I wonder why?
Reason # 4 - all gold funds are an increase in movement. Especially with bullion. This trend should not slow down soon.
Reason # 5 - recent years have been very similar to the 1970s when gold passed $ 38 to well over $ 800.
Reason # 6 - currently, the consumption of gold is not corresponding to the production of it. This is obviously a question of supply and demand. As demand increases, will be the price.
Reason # 7 - the Government of the United States and its bizarre economic policies are at the origin of federal spending out of control and uncontrollable deficit. This causes the dollar to be weak on the international level which means that the price of alternative investments such as gold, will increase.
Reason # 8 – now there is more than a trillion dollars of U.S. debt held by foreign interests. This debt could be repatriated at any time. Thus, there could be a significant decrease in the dollar and gold prices will soar.
Reason # 9 - part of your ability to gain on the stock market is buy low and sell high. Gold is still at a very low price. However, it is climbing fast and it is preferable to obtain now.
Reason # 10 – US Dollar is no longer safe haven international. This is due to several financial factors. One of main being a failing dollar. You must now invest in something that crosses all national boundaries and which is gold.
There are many more reasons why you should consider investing in gold now. At the end of the day, its all to protect what you already have against inflation which is almost inevitable in the coming times.
Reason # 1 - global currency loses its value
The U.S. dollar is already very low, and will probably continue to fall. However, countries around the world are refusing to believe that the dollar is declining. Because of this global currency loses its value, which will cause gold to rise significantly. Gold is bought and sold in US dollars. If whenever the value of the dollar goes down, the price of gold back.
The dollar is the worlds reserve currency which means dictates just about everything. But since it is more supported by gold is nothing more then a piece of paper.
Reason # 2 - the application of gold is on the rise
Once the world is finally beginning to realize and accept what is current, they will seek an alternative to their paper money. This will reduce demand for gold to go sky high. To meet the demand, things such as gold ETF's have been created.
Investing in gold is an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and protect your wealth you have worked for many years. Although its price can sometimes be very volatile, it will always maintain its long-term value. Therefore it protects you against inflation.
Reason # 3 - much money floating around - AKA Inflation
As I said just above, or protect you from inflation. In fact, inflation is what determines the price of gold. That inflation increases, it is the price of gold. During the years of 1946, 1974, 1975, 1979 and 1980 inflation was at its peak. And during this time the yield on stocks, measured by the average Dow Jones index was-12.33%. On the other hand, during this same period, the yield on average gold was 130.4%. Big difference.
Reason # 4 - the financial system for the United States degrades
The Federal Government is currently in a deep sea of debt that they do not seem to escape. Because the deficit is so high, the dollar is linked to the collapse which would obviously make gold the best option.
Reason # 5 - gold used as money becomes Acceptable
Nations around the world, including Islam and the Argentina are moves to the safeguarding of their currency with gold. The reason why gold is considered an asset is because it never loses its intrinsic value as the US dollar.
The value of money has exploded its price cash pleased money in three decades. So, what are the prospects for the prize money, the preferred profit strategies or parts of profit for the rest of the year? It depends on which expert you're talking about.
The silver per ounce price increased above $42.00 mid-April, a year 31 high. This is an increase of 32% for the year so far and more than doubled since last September. The question many are asking is where it goes from here, and how to position themselves?
The consensus of many professionals of the market is that the prospects for long-term money are always optimistic. But it is currently on purchased and a withdrawal may even at $30.00 may occur. Most seem to agree that silver is likely to run to a maximum of $50 at the end of the year, the bearish Outlook says that it can take 3 to 5 years to get to $50.00.
If you look at the ratio of gold silver history you will find lies between 16: 1 and10: 1. 16: 1 And an amount of $1,500 current price of gold would indicate silver is less appreciated and should be trading near $92 an ounce. Why not we at this level? However it is true or silver is sous-prix or the world has changed. I believe that it is the later.
Many of the existing investors are looking for ingots of silver as a cover of inflation, but it is really a part of history. Not only silver is undervalued versus gold, but silver is a hedge with a kicker industrial. The money is used in thousands of industrial processes and is in high demand. More than half of the money produced today becomes accustomed to buying industry. We have all seen the uses of money grow continuously in this era of electronics. Thirty years ago, that we have had a year twenty supply silver above ground for the industry. Today the supply is reduced to supply within a year.
Something is wrong here and the only explanation that I see is a kind of Government or manipulation of the Central Bank is happening for many years. This could be good for investors for money because when the corrections take place, they inevitably more draw mark balance by a considerable amount.
There is another issue of gold and silver prices driving good now that many are not aware of: gold and silver are in high demand in nation States. It's a game changer. The directory of the CPM or reported total overall number of ounces of precious metals purchased or sold by nations around the world. Since the beginning of the 1980s, sell Governments. In 2008, it was expected that 5 million ounces would be sold in 2009. CPM 2010 Yearbook shows or a net purchase of 15 million ounces. It is an indication that Governments around the world are beginning to be wary of the value of the dollar. And this does not include countries such as the Iran and China which does not declare their actions, but which are rumour to buy large quantities.
Finally, silver coins have become the "common human metal". If you are looking to buy precious metals and your choice is between $1500 an ounce of gold and silver at 40 dollars an ounce, most people go for $40 because it appears to be a boon.
If the money graph showed that money has moved too far too fast? Some are expecting a major attraction in price before continuing to test the 1980 record price of $50. Others watch the record price of 1980 and the price of inflation adjustment and see that the prize money cash must go to $130 an ounce to equal this record. Therefore, there could be a long way to go yet, without even taking into account the global financial situation today. I do not plan sell any silver bars or pieces of precious silver of if early.
If you keep your coins of gold and silver a barrier of protection as a plastic case, then you won't have to worry about keeping their own. However, if for any reason whatsoever, your parts show tarnishing, dirt or any other surface wear, then there are several ways to obtain their own.
The more simple you can do in your own House first, is to place a large bowl on a flat surface. Then, to get a sheet of aluminum, fold the and adapt it in the bowl. Then, fill the bowl with hot water. The warmer the water is best; This is because heat increases the speed and intensity in which chemical reactions take place. Now, take some baking soda and sprinkle in hot water. Finally, add some salt. Now, take the parts you want to without spot and immerse them in the solution. Leave them it y a little the and watch until all the tarnish has disappeared, flip a coin then so that all coins is exposed to the cleaning solution. Only the tarnish is removed; the valuable of money means.
This cleaning technique will not work on the tarnish. It works through a chemical reaction between baking soda, table salt, aluminum foil and the chemicals that make up tarnishing. Once the chemical reaction is complete, it consumes up to tarnish, remove from the room. However, if your silver coin has any dirt on it you very gently brushing this distance with a soft toothbrush and hand SOAP or dish SOAP. However it is deprecated, because it can damage the coin.
However, you want to be a little more cautious. This is because gold is a very soft metal. A mixture of thickness of bicarbonate of soda and water may be placed on a soft brush. Then, the toothbrush can be used very gently on the gold coin. After this, rinse the coins in the water and set somewhere to dry.
Be careful if you have a brilliant piece not distributed or a piece of special collection etc. Using these cleaning techniques can significantly reduce the value of these coins. However, if you have gold or silver and are only to use it as an investment hedge against inflation and the devaluation of the currency, and coin worth not considerably more than their value as metal, then these simple cleaning techniques can be perfect for your silver and gold coinsbullion or bars. Remember to be very soft, treat your parts with kid gloves.
For more advice see www.bullionuk.com
When you start a job and start making money it is always a good idea to save some after your basic needs are supported. When most people think of saving the image of a large, former Bank building comes to mind, but it is not all you can do with your money. Investing money, it is also an excellent way to secure your nest egg. Invest in stocks and bonds is a risky investment, but yields are more numerous. But if you want to go to a sound investment at a lower rate of still always lucrative returns, people usually tend to buy some gold. The price of gold fluctuates every day, but more often it only increases so it is sitting, the amount of money you spend on gold can be considered a good investment.
When you sell gold there are a few tips and points, you must keep in mind that you get the possible contract. It is very important to inform you on how the market responds when the purchase and sale of this precious metal. This knowledge will help you find buyers who are sincere and be weary of those who are not.
On the sale of such an expensive asset, it is important to shop and get a few quotes from different buyers. Will each give you various different depending on the weight and purity (karat) digits of your gold and cash of the metal price in the market this day there. You must remember that if you are looking to find a trusted buyer then he or she will maintain as much transparency as possible. The buyer will be the effort to explain as well as educate you why gold you are about to sell an estimated the amount declared and will be able to answer all the questions, you may have.
Another useful trick is that once you get the quotation marks, you can compare prices for the real price of the metal market found online in the journal or by requesting same Jewellers. The quote nearest for the cash prize that day there will be your best choice. You must also make a concession to the fact that on the sale of the metal you will need to take a small loss, a small percentage which varies from dealer to dealer.
Buyers of gold - sell jewelry for cash for old gold, we buy but not desired. Sell gold us at prices in the industry, we buy gold in any wide condition of the Australia. We can assist you anywhere in the metropolitan area of Melbourne & Geelong
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Caroll_Giles
If you plan on some old jewellery you have lying around, it is desirable to determine the price of gold per gram before doing so. In doing so, you will have a good idea as to the nature, offer you should expect to receive. It is an essential step that there are many people selling their gold well below of what it is really worth. Please take into account the importance of taking care of this step first.
I am sure you probably noticed the ads on television and radio offering of "top dollar" for your gold. Or, you have seen the signs posted on the door of the shop your local pawn offering the same heights "top dollar for your gold." There are even companies created only to take advantage of the price record gold. These offers may seem tempting, many people is abused simply because they do stop and do a little research first. If you do your due diligence, you are essentially game that you will be able to obtain a higher price for your gold. I hope that in reading this article, you'll be better prepared.
In addition to determining the price of gold per gram, there are a few other things you must consider before selling your gold. To begin, understand that once you sell your jewelry to your store pawn or merchant, you will only receive the value of gold in the jewelry. If you have jewelry that contains something outside of the gold, you will not receive its value. Thus, you want to sell the Gold if possible. Then, you should consider what will be the value of your gold in the street once it is melted. OK, let's look at how you can discover what your gold can be useful in grams.
However, is usually quoted in ounces. Any when you hear but being mentioned on TV or radio, she is referenced in ounces. Thus, to look at a few simple steps.
Rule General Standard: 1 ounce of gold is equal to 31,10 grams of gold. For our example, suppose that the price of gold is $ 1,400 per ounce. We would determine the price of gold per gram as follows:
$1,400 / 31.10 (In Troy ounces) = $45 / gram (assuming 24-karat gold), imagine your gold is 24 karat? Here is a table that will help you.
Multiply the following to calculate the value of scrap sorted by various karat gold:
To 10 carats (10 K) multiply the price of gold per gram by.4167.
For 14-Karat (14 K) multiply the price of gold per gram by.5833.
For 18 carat (18 K) multiply the price of gold per gram by.75
24 karat (24 K) simply uses the price in grams.
You must multiply the number you receive in the previous step by the number of grams of quality you are price. This is the current price of scrap metal on the market. Just be aware that once you sell a scrap of gold dealers, you may receive much less from the market value. It is therefore crucial to go ready and determine the price of gold per gram, to ensure that you receive top dollar for your gold.
Sunshine L009 is one of the most respected currencies private United States and Sunshine of silver bars are a popular investment choice because Sunshine guarantees the weight and purity of each bar that it produces. They have a reliable way and secure to add money to your portfolio that you follow a diversification strategy wise.
Currency of money Sunshine bars come in several sizes to meet the needs of every collector and investor. The range includes attractive anyway and very collectible bullion Sunshine of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 ounce silver bars. They sell at prices that reflect the markup very little on the spot price of silver, an important point for investors serious consideration in the purchase of silver ingots. These lovely silver bullion bars are an affordable way for experienced investors and homebuyers buy silver in the quantities they want.
Each bar is made of silver fine from.999, money which is 99.9% pure or.1 Ounce bar (31.104 g) is 1.14 x 1.97 inches.5 Ounces (155.518 grams) bars are 10 ounces (311.035 grams) of silver 2.39 bars inchesThe x 1.40 are 2.05 x 5.13 inches.50 Ounces (1555.175 grams) bars are 3.00 x 5.13 inches.The 100 (3110.350 grams) ounce bars also measure 5.13 inches, with double thickness 3.00 x.7 Reasons to buy:
They are an affordable way to purchase money, with little markup or premium added to the purchase.Collectors appreciate the design of each bar silver Sunshine.Menthe Sunshine is very respected that gives the safety of the buyer and facilitates the bars to sell.Ingots of silver bars are an outstanding way to add precious metals to a diversified portfolio.They can be integrated in most IRAs.Silver continues to be recommended by market analysts, and investment advisers.The ingots of silver bars are easy to collect and store.Conclusion:
If you are looking for a safe and secure way for the acquisition of money from one of the most trusted names in the market, then purchase bars Sunshine of money is an excellent choice. The currency of Sunshine is very respected and their products are viewed by sellers and buyers as having the highest reliability. As the price of money continue to increase, the enter earlier you the market or expand your holdings of money, more your profits will be. Buy silver bars Sunshine today and ensure the highest return on your investment!
For the average person read or listen to news, it may seem as if silver cross a classic asset bubble period. However, even a superficial look at what is happening will show it is anything other than a bubble. Primary any bubble dynamics is a herd-like rapid movement in a particular market with the hopes and the plan to make substantial profits from other moving the market. We all remember the tech and estate fiascoes a few years ago. At the time virtually everyone you knew was talking about stocks or property and the purchase in these markets. But now that you know who has any money? Or on the subject? And more important still, even has it?
Let's to look at a number of critical and extremely important factors, conduct money right now.
1. The Inflation dollar / impairment / failure
Year over year, the dollar is losing 10%-20% of its purchasing power. It is corrosive and incredibly damaging to wealth. Hard goods safety is the traditional refuge for wealth and the preservation of purchasing power.
2 Deficit silver
Since 1990, the annual production of the production of money has been exceeded by demand, which is mainly industrial. Overall therefore above ground reserve has depleted ounces of 1.8 billion in 1990 to approximately 500 million ounces today. In many cases there is no alternative acceptable to money and the increase in demand for this precious metal. And for some real historical perspective, in 1900 the provision of money was approximately 12 billion ounces.
3. Gold and silver Ratio
This is related to item 2, but it is fascinating in its own right. In 1990, there were approximately 2 billion ounces of gold above ground, and today, there is still about 2 billion ounces. Thus, while in nature, the money is much more abundant element (and pricing reflected this relationship, in part) we now have the inverse of the natural ratio. In short, gold is desired and silver is desire and absolutely necessary.
4 Distribution of assets
Studies have shown that an allocation of portfolio 7% in a position of cover of precious metals is the most effective strategy to protect the downside of assets denominated in dollars. Over the past few years, this conservative approach was abandoned for a mentality all-in game/lever for the average investor. Take advantage of this period of massive and widespread is far higher than investing, any general positioning now precious metals and the future will have a huge effect on the price of money.
5 Silver is undervalued.
Based on assessments and historical reports silver should be negotiated approximately $80 and ounce. Factor in its genuine rarity and incessant demand even at the present time, and the price should be much higher. That factor in our current context of economic uncertainty and the exposure of near-total of the assets to the dollar, and you have a scenario of high price triple money turnover.
Any rational examination of money shows only really useful to consider Dynamics: everyone has need of money, directly or indirectly, and there are currently low and decreasing supplies.
What else there know?
Aaron kutchinsky is a writer, speaker and activist committed financial.
In 2010, Aaron created and founded Guardian Gold & Silver as a final and innovative alternative to the standard of the industry of gold, a company focused on the mission and revolutionary of precious metals with 3 goals specific to the spirit:
? Do the right thing.
? to encourage other people to understand.
? Get in the boat as possible as well.
It is extremely important understand the current world financial paradigm, which is now well underway. Visit http://www.guardiangoldandsilver.com/ for more information and knowledge and to request our special report.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_Kutchinsky
It seems that more and more people buy scrap of gold and silver leading buyers pay a percentage higher than the competition increases for scrap. It is excellent for the person who sells the item, and I think that this is because I have always taught my students to pay a fair price. It is the only way, you get referrals and repeat business.
What I want to discuss, it is that real purity of scrap gold and silver, it is that you have purchased. Most of you know that 10 K is suppose to be gold 41.6%, 14 K is suppose to be 58.3% gold, 18 K is suppose to be 75% gold, but this is simply not true. When you send your gold to a refiner that you will find that is 2-3% lower than expected. I have ask many refiners and they all say the same thing that a lot of ozt of 50-100 of gold from scrap 14 K affine between 55 and 56% of the gold, not 58.3% like it's suppose to be. It is the same for the 10 k, 18 K and Sterling silver jewellery. On average, you can estimate that the gold you buy contains 2-3% less gold that he should have. In fact, all lots of gold, that I sent to the coast were 2 to 3% by karated and I've even had a batch containing eight per cent less gold that was expected.
Sterling silver jewellery may be up to 10% or offshore more and this is generally regarded as in Sterling of Mexico jewelry. But as I have found many other jewelry manufacturers are 2 to 10% off. I think this is one of the reasons why most shops shops of the jewelers / of the coin of pawn pay less money they make gold. It is also because refiners pay not as high in the percentage of money as they do with gold.
Why this question? Some of you are buying gold and silver to 30, 40, 50 cents on the dollar and could care less if its two per cent off the coast. As time and consumers become more aware of the value of their precious metals that they require more for gold and silver. Time I often work with my own "dealers" and I am working on a margin of four percent. For me, it is extremely important to be very precise in the purchase of these people select as a small error could cause losing me a large sum of money. If you learn just to buy scrap of gold or a buyer experienced; It is important to know that much about your industry as possible and it is just a piece more knowledge to help you succeed.
Matt Wallace has helped hundreds of people to learn how to buy scrap of gold and transform it for a profit through its cash scrap site Guide (http://www.scraptocashguide.com/). Its comprehensive system of buying gold offers you not only the tools needed to succeed, but it is the only one that provides UNLIMITED staff on a support. If you're even remotely interested in purchase of gold scrap, organizes a Festival of gold, or even sell your jewelry you need to get the Gold Medal of the scrap to Cash to buy the system.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Wallace
If you want to know how you can say silver is doing well? When all major analysts and commentators, who have managed to be a 100% of money for the moment, begin to give him treatment "analysis of gold." The incredible and spectacular of the prize money increase last year attracted many by surprise, and it is second nature to be suspicious about this race and suspect a "bubble" in the manufacture. However, if you do not know the basic principles behind the wheel of this very strong performance you can be in based on misperceptions of driving your money and positioning decisions. The plain facts are most analysts have completely excludes money and how, along with gold, the precious metal is signaling a systemic monetary change.
Failure of the traditional 'get it' on money is very strange. It is a little as if they have a belief structure that will not let something as trivial as facts get their reasoning and conclusions. But instead of the name of the appellant, we are going to just take a look at some of their predictions and analysis of money for this year.
Bloomberg reported the "expert" for peak of prize money in 2011 would be $29.50, with a decrease of 25% expected in 2012, leading to a floor of $20 an ounce in 2013. But there is a stunner: the mainstream consensus was silver could be negotiated to an average of $18.65 for this year. Wow, this is a 100% error margin! And when you hold account of the increase in prices of annual money from 21% of the course of the past 10 years, that you have to ask what kind of dramatic shift occur to reverse this systemic trend.
The greatest indicator of the future of money is the most fundamental: supply and demand. In 2010, approximately 735 million ounces of silver has been exploited, and at this same time frame industrial demand, the balance going to satisfy the consumption of investment have consumed more than 605 million ounces. It is estimated in addition there is currently approximately 1.2 billion ounces of silver held in inventories, and which is compared with the $ 2.2 billion of ounces of gold being held in inventory of the reserves. Over the past 100 years the overall supply above ground of gold was steady has increased, but the total of money from a previous global inventory more $ 12 billion ounces.
This is true: we are now up to 10% of historic levels of money while the gold reserves increased during the same period of time. What happened to all that money? It has been used by more than 7,000 medical, and industrial applications most of it disappeared forever. Money is a true and universal, which makes the unique element in the world of money. Everyone wants or needs as money and an industrial products indispensable and irreplaceable.
This is one of the more simple pieces of advice and investor insights anyone can ever give you: have a lot of what everyone wants and needs.
Get some money today, tomorrow and next week. Or listen to the gurus TV chattering class, which all mistaken, and let yourself be lulled into inaction.
Aaron kutchinsky is a writer, speaker and activist committed financial.
In 2010, Aaron created and founded Guardian Gold & Silver as a final and innovative alternative to the standard of the industry of gold, a company focused on the mission and revolutionary of precious metals with 3 goals specific to the spirit:
? Do the right thing.
? to encourage other people to understand.
? Get in the boat as possible as well.
It is extremely important understand the current world financial paradigm, which is now well underway. Visit http://www.guardiangoldandsilver.com/ for more information and knowledge and to request our special report.
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