dimanche 7 août 2011

Gold, silver and deep winter of the entry of the Dollar

We have trained over the past 30 years to wait for the impossible.
Here's the story: growth and prosperity are perpetual, expected and required. Wealth is a right and everyone can and should be a massive and aggressive consumer. All mainstream and Government planning and analysis should be framed, filtered and massaged with this expectation as a predetermined result. On the contrary, all evidence should be rejected as simple sideways moments in the long walk to the richness of pandemic.

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 It is one of these such huge lies and ridiculous, it passes the truth because so many repeat the fantasy regardless of any historical validity or logic or parallel. Take a moment to examine how impossible is and then contemplate the nature seasonal and cyclical of all life and all Earth and human processes.
We firmly concluded what is called the Cycle winter, which is characterized by the "death" to leverage Active paper (the dollar and its many derivatives denominated) and retirement in "real" physical things, usually called hard assets. It is very easy to understand the hard assets such as gold, silver, producing lands, commodities in General, etc., because they are things of universal value need and represent therefore a preservation of value. In short, everyone must be these items (cattle, wood, eggs, oil) or these assets are of eternal value, at all times and in all places, regardless of the Government Decree (gold, silver, copper, etc....).
What is the story based on reality?
Prosperity leads to demand more and without end of prosperity. This is done by exponential growth in the public and private debt, leading to unsustainable levels of debt. And the real kicker is this: the debt is more taken to create opportunities but to maintain the status quo and maintain our fantastic and deny the reality. Anyone who has crossed a bankruptcy knows exactly how it plays. As the crunch of the economic implosion limits your options you anything to maintain what you have come to be regarded as "normal." Continue to do everything except obviously - accept your loses and returns to scale and withdraw to a sustainable level.
There are two diametrically opposed and completely opposite stories. On the one hand, you have economy recovering, government policies are correct and work, and the consumer citizen is back on the treadmill buying and spending, or at least directed this way. The contrary story is that the world is undermined and soaked to the bone with a debt, there is no plan or policy the possibility of a plan or a familiar model of growth that may facilitate this massive debt repayment and the amount of cut backs and austerity required is beyond the will of all democracies Western.
If you are emotionally and psychologically committed the first story, you continue to store all your faith and wealth in the formal system and their fiat paper currency. This is why our current system is known as an economic confidence model - you have confidence in the fidelity of the Government and economic management. If you feel the second story matches what you see and experience (or notice that there is a strong possibility that this is even partially true), you take your money in the system, on a percentage basis and place in assets such as gold and silver (known as hard-asset money) because it is very likely that a crisis occurs massive financial-currency-debt. It's a retirement in what is called an economic model of value.
And for the record it is mathematically and historically certain, in fact, it is a 100% probability, that the system of the U.S. Dollar will fail. To be even more clear the current paradigm has already failed and the final collapse is guaranteed by a cancer estimated debt to 100 000 billions of dollars of world-wide. This means the failure of paper currency, and it is financial winter of our discontent. It is just and natural course of nature and reality.
Players (IMF, World Bank, the bis, etc.), have finally come to the conclusion sane and focused on the reality that there is too much debt and that it is no way on Earth this debt can be repaid. They know that this scenario has only two results: severely indebted countries will be allowed to fall - and the standard of living of their citizens will be overwritten or the system global fiat will suffer a catastrophic failure.

How to choose a Stock Winning Gold?

 If you are planning to invest some of your money in gold, you need to determine companies where you put in. Well, it is not so easy. You need to overcome the many chances of placement options and to assess the fundamental principles of these exploration companies.                                   GET FOCUSED, START WINNING!
The first step in deciding on the companies is to filter some companies other hundreds. You need to analyze correctly so that you can choose the best opportunities. You can easily gather the information required for the analysis of sites of the company, press releases, and various publications of gold. Here are some points that you need to analyze everything by choosing these stocks.
1. Market capitalization: market capitalization is simply the number of outstanding shares multiplied by the price of the shares. The comparison between the market capitalization and the price of gold in reserves market shows if a company is undervalued or overvalued. The analysis of the market cap is different for small companies and the large countries.
Studies say - whether for gold stocks, or any other stocks, it is a good decision to invest your money in companies that are undervalued compared to peers with overvalued. Also, studies say that the margin of safety is much more important in these companies.
2 Management: in your analysis of exploration companies you must also include the management (and its decisions) as an important factor. Management of the business should have the expertise on both sides, the mining sector and also the business sector. If they are not able to maintain good relations with shareholders, it will be reflected on the overall performance of the company. A bad balance between these two makes the company loses the support of the market and also the confidence of institutional brokers. More...
3 Money: exploration companies have to spend a huge sum of money over a long period without any cash flow. Therefore, if there is any sort of delay in the construction of the mines, it creates an inherent risk. As an investor, you should check if the company is prepared for those risks or not and if they will have to come back again on the market for additional financial support.
4 Minerals: it is a fact that Explorer gold and a large quantity of other metals-side companies tend to have lower than pure gold evaluation exploring companies. This is important for the reason that in the cycle of the price of gold, the gold deposits and money amounts to multiple as well as companies of pure gold. This is the reason why companies producing gold and silver have greater security of margin in producing companies pure gold. More..
There are has other factors such as the mining life-cycle, thus the volatility and they also studied / consider before choosing stocks. Before the selection of stock, you must realize that only a third of the companies exploring becoming producer of gold. So, you should be very careful in choosing the right company/s to invest in.

Greenstone belts are good Sources of gold!

        You may wonder where come all the gold in the world. You'll be surprised or gross in fact located in world class Greenstone belts. This type of belt actually has many minerals out gold. It may include silver, copper and zinc.
During ancient times when people try to look gold during the achaean, try to search this belt on the surface, it is very easy to find because it is really a hard surface of land with the colour green. Then they start digging in this part of the ground. The chance that they will find is very high.
Easily found with Greenstone belts in South Africa and the Canada during the achaean age. Potential gold deposits are normally found on the edges of these belts and are usually associated with other structural features.
The mineral that you'll see in this formation of metamorphic rock can be found anywhere and this is what use minors to know that they are on the right track in finding raw gold.
If you want to search of Greenstone belts, you must search the cratons. It exhibits ancient and stable continents who survived many changes, mergers, and heartbreak. Cratons are located near the inside of the tectonic plates. Survivability of these belts of many tectonic cycles made their complex stratigraphy. They contain many individual rock units. They contain a percentage of sedimentary rocks which are intermingled with various volcanic rocks and volcanic rocks.
A rock commonly found in the Greenstone belts are conglomerates. If you find conglomerates there is a high percentage of gold in the region. They are known a gold rocks. The Abitibi in the Canada greenstone belt contains a high percentage of conglomerates. Greenstone belts are not the same size. They vary in type and length. There are seat belts are scattered in one place to the dozen and there are those who can compose a few thousand kilometres in length.
It is surprising that this is how to find us gold in time past. Today, you walk around your malls to find stores that sell for gold. Those who have or that they may not wear anymore can be sold in parts of gold when you have the chance. If you don't have in your area, you can even sell your gold online.


Gold trade Basics - How ship safely of the coins of gold by mail

Purchase and sale of precious metals such as parts of gold worthy of trust or corporate merchants, you will save headaches because you are certain that these merchants have their own guaranteed postal services.

However, if you go to ship your parts of gold or other precious metals or objects of value by mail, it will you uncomfortable, anxious and uncomfortable so that the recipient has finally confirmed that he has received the items safely. Here are pointers on how to send secure your valuables by e-mail, including your precious gold coins:

Tip number 1 - know the value of your exhibit.
Before going to the nearest post office, you must first determine the value of your gold coins. To check the value of our gold coin, navigate the internet to see the current value of your coins or you can check with a dealer of the good reputation in your room.

Tip number 2 - make your list of packaging
Make a packing list will help you keep your mental health, especially if you send multiple commands. It will help you organize your valuables. What you must include in your list are your name, contact information, mailing address and the complete list of stocks. Make two copies. For yourself and that you will send the objects of value to.

Tip number 3 — Select if mailboxes in priority mail flat-rate or first class Mail
You can select the fixed-rate box that allows you to send anything that fits into the box for a fixed price, anywhere in the United States but it must not weigh more than 70 pounds. This type of priority mail is ideal if you're about to send more than two parts. But if you expédiiez only one or two rooms, it is preferable to choose first class mail.

Tip number 4 - secure coin coin holder
Parts must be handled with extra care and should be sent to the holder of a coin. This will protect parts of damages and scratches. After securing your articles, surround the room with the bubble rolls holder.

Place in your box and label accordingly. Better if you can place the order confirmation if you sold online. Also include a note on how to handle the element.

Tip number 5 - ensure your Package
Once you are in the post office, ask if insurance costs included in the package you selected. Although most mails include insurance, better to be safe and double check.

Tip number 6 - Codes for use in the labelling of your items
When the shipment of gold coins or value objects, you must put in no way a sign or index outside of the package you send something expensive or valuable. Instead of writing gold or silver, you can use the first letter of the word of the element that you will send. If the sending of gold coins write GC.

Tip number 7 - confirm the delivery schedule
Don't forget to confirm the delivery schedule so that you know when to expect delivery to arrive. Registered mail usually takes a little regular mails pluss, but they are the most secure way of shipment of valuables.

Tip number 8 - keep all the receipts and Documents
Keep all receipts and other documents will only not serve as proof of sending, but also protection if something happens to your package. Also, if this is your business or frequently ship gold coins, you can maintain a database online.

Let us face the fact that the sending of your gold coins or any other precious metals by e-mail is the easiest and cheapest way to ship your valuables. By following these steps will ensure you navigation secure via electronic mail. Good luck!

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How money Can Act as a bulwark against Inflation?

When the prices of goods and services began to increase significantly, which is regarded as inflation. During inflation, the value of a dollar goes way down. You can buy is more as many a dollar like you have once might. A portfolio investors may suffer much inflation. However, if you invest money, which has an intrinsic value, you can hedge against inflation and protect your assets.

While the money can be very volatile, history shows that there may be a very positive result. Money is also a lot cheaper than gold investment. However, remember that money is a product that will cause a decline in value as inflation increases. Only a few years ago silver was the highest increase in precious metals market. He beaten gold and Platinum. This was mainly because it is not only a bulwark against inflation, but it is also a material that is used by the industry.

As more people begin to trade of money, it will become less volatile. And, as a result, it will become an even safer investment. Invest in silver coins, bars and the ETF is an excellent way to diversify your portfolio. It is also an excellent way to protect your retirement for years to come. It is obviously very good news for those who fear losing all of their retirement in this precarious economy.

All government bailouts and the incredible important economic stimulus plan, inflation is inevitable. Economists from around the world agree that money is the best cover against inflation. Over the past 10 years the price of silver has increased sixfold at least. Still, silver is not even close it hit its peak price. Since the end of last year and the beginning of this year, the inflation rate has been rising.

And as the Government continues to borrow money more in an effort to bring about recovery, inflation will continue to rise. Why? Because there is too much money floating in the global market. More money which is on the market, less the value of the dollar.

Investments such as bonds also lose their value in inflation. This is why people seek other avenues of investment to protect their money. Silver is one of these avenues and it is great that I could say. In short, Silver is offering so it performs extremely well when the prices of the products increase.

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Gold and silver are not bubbles

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With the prices of precious metals seemingly skyrocketing since 2001, one can easily make the mistake of seeing this as a bubble; However, it is quite the opposite. It is common to read the news and see misleading articles talking about the "gold and silver bubbles", yet most of these news articles are heavily backed by the financial industry.

Most investors with less experience and knowledge don't know that the financial industry is against people buying physical gold and silver bullion and coins. Why? When people buy actual physical precious metals, this involves taking ones money out of financial institutions; thereby, no. fees or interest can be earned on this money.

For those who seriously think gold and silver are a "bubble", why would APMEX, a large US precious metals dealer, be offering to buy gold and silver American Eagle coins slightly above spot price. APMEX announced this on their website in April of 2011. Do you think APMEX does this out of the kindness of the companies heart?

If you are new to precious metal investing, precious metals are not the best way to get rich, unless you are mining the metals, or you have a corner gold jewelry store. The purpose for investing in precious metals in general is insurance against currency devaluation.

Since August of 1971, America has been off of the gold standard. Shortly after abandoning the gold standard, gold skyrocketed from $35 per ounce to over $800 per ounce in the early 1980s before finally coming down. According to professor Murray Sabrin, America had to abandon the gold standard to pay for the Viet Nam war which technically bankrupted America. Ironically, Sun Tzu, author of the Art of War, mentioned that a long drawn out war can leave a country in ruin financial; Hence, what is currently happening again in America.

In order to understand why people invest in gold and silver, it is imperative to understand the monetary system. Before I go any further, there are 4 types of money supplies:

M0: The total of all physical currency, more accounts at the central bank that can be exchanged for physical currency.

M1: The total of all physical currency part of bank reserves + the amount in demand accounts ("checking" or "current" accounts).

M2: M1 + most savings accounts, money market accounts, retail money market mutual funds, and small denomination time deposits (certificates of deposit of under $100,000).

M3: M2 + all other CDs (large time deposits, institutional money market mutual fund scales), deposits of euro dollars and repurchase agreements.

If you see the explanation of M2 money supply, this is the majority of the money supply that has expanded drastically since 1971, and most rapidly since 2008 till present. To put simply, most of this money is only in digital existence. However, if the actual physical currency were to expand like this, hyperinflation would be inevitable. When people start to lose confidence in the banking system and pull their money out of institutions, one can see exactly why and how this would suddenly flood the market with currency notes and destroy its purchasing power.

Some will argue that we are in a liquidity trap; Therefore, expanding the monetary base doesn't lead to inflation. The US governments ICC uses a misleading formula to calculate inflation by adding the costs of all goods and services, subtracted from food and energy. Since the early 1980s, the ICC removed food and energy from their "inflation" calculation; thereby, giving a false and misleading appearance of low inflation. If food and energy costs are added to this formula, one can clearly see that inflation is near 10%. Since 2008, when the Fed flooded the economy with "liquidity" (printed lots of money to lease out banks and create the illusion of rising asset prices), the costs of food and gas have no doubt, risen tremendously.

Here is something to think about: On April 10, 2011, the IMF had a discussion about which currency will replace the US dollar. Investors around the world are losing faith in treasuries, and the IMF does not consider US treasuries as the "safest investment on earth", as Wall Street bankers believe. In fact, the IMF recommended countries like Switzerland and Australia as safer places to buy bonds from.

As we can already see, despite what some say about the supposedly low inflation, oil has currently passed well over $100 again, and grain prices around the world have been rising. The ICC, of course, does not count this fraudulent. The argument "low inflation" is ludicrous. Pundits in the "low inflation" camp argue that flat screen TV's are falling in price as well as, iPods, and homes. To be blunt, people don't need flat screen TV's or iPods, and houses are still overpriced. The Feds near zero interest rate policies are nothing more than a desperate attempt to artificially inflate the value of home prices.

For every one dollar that is created either by physically printing, or in digital existence, one dollar of debt is created. The Federal Reserve acts as a bank to the US Treasury. When the US Treasury needs to print money, the Federal Reserve will buy bonds; Thus, without the debt the money can't even exist. If one takes a look at the US National Debt Clock, one can see that the US national debt as of April 2011 is currently at 98% of our entire GDP, and unfunded liabilities exceed $100 trillion. To give you an idea of how bad this is, if the US paid this debt at $100 million per day using current near zero interest rates, it would take 3446 years to repay all of the debts.

How do you think the US government gets money to pay its debts, aside from tax revenues? Expanding the money supply! Per the law of supply and demand, the more of something, the less the value.

With this in mind, it is NOT that gold and silver are rising in price, rather it is the fact that the US dollar is slowly losing its place as the world's reserve currency. If the dollar were to be dumped as the world's reserve currency, severe inflation would result since the purchasing power of the dollar and dollar denominated assets will diminish rapidly. History has shown time and time again that hard assets, especially gold, silver, and raw land hold up best in times of severe inflation, hyperinflation, civil unrest and war. Older countries like China have already had experience with this, and it is very common in Asia that people buy gold and silver for this exact reason.

During the Weimar Republic in German, the currency became so barraged that people used to sew diamonds in their clothing to use as money. So the next time you read a news article about this "gold bubble" warning, you may want to think twice. If gold is such a bubble, why are central bankers around the world buying so much of it? Why is the value of paper money around the world losing its purchasing power so fast? Why are people around the world losing faith in fiat currencies?

When fiat currencies fail, gold and silver prevail (money backed by nothing). This is a lesson that has been repeated throughout history. Here is a short list of nations who experienced hyperinflation due to over expansion of fiat money supply: The Byzantine Empire, The Roman Empire, The US Continental Currency, Germany, Japan, and recently Zimbabwe.

Gold and silver are not similar investments as stocks and bonds, nor is valuing them the same way a smart way of making a buying decision. Gold and silver usually do very well when people lose faith in their own monetary system. Gold and silver act more like insurance in case people lose faith in their currency.

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Gold as an investment in the time to come

The economic depression in America should be huge. But those who decide to invest in gold will be able to make a profit as never before. You see, inflation is not only a problem in America, his problem anywhere in the world. That extends from Portugal to the Ireland and between the Italy and the Spain. No corner of the world is left intact when it comes to inflation.

Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but there is no economic recovery. The stock market will take a major diving because of the huge volume of liquidity pumped into the financial system. Trust me when I say, the economic depression there was nothing to play with. This is why you need to protect your family and you by investing in gold. Or act as a bulwark against inflation and protect your money.

If you do not know investing in gold, it is high time that you will learn. The dollar is also stronger that it was once. Therefore it will collapse. If you currently have your cash, you are losing money every day.

What I say to you is not new. This type of depression many times happened throughout history. And it happened because Governments have mismanaged the money supply. Allows to go all the long journey back to the fall of Rome. Do you know why Rome fell really? This is because the Government inflated the coins in circulation by mixing with the lead.

Listen to my friend, the economic depression which is real. Do not sit on the sidelines and watch the money that you have worked so hard to just disappear. Don't let not the inflation fly you. Most people don't know what struck them to what they were broke and living in the streets. Don't let that happen to you. Take action now. Discover investing them in gold as a way to protect your finances in the next economic depression.

I not stress this enough, but it is essential that you start preparing now for the fall of the dollar. Don't wait until it is too late. Start to prepare now. Remember, gold is a hedge against inflation. It can and will protect you. And if you get early enough, you can do a huge amount of money in the next economic depression.

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How can sell waste of money?

Jewellery clogging just the House when he became old and obsolete. If you want to get rid of jewelry then it is preferable to sell off the coast. Old silver for sale can be a method to make money quickly, especially when the price of this metal is on the rise. Cash increased $ 1 per ounce and is currently at 35.26 dollars an ounce.

Earn cash for money is not only limited to only jewellery, but he can you can also get money for the sale of silver coins. Many refineries are approaching people who are interested in selling waste of money for them and pay well. The reason for the purchase of waste of money is that with the rise in the price, it becomes difficult to buy the metal at the original price. They buy jewelry or coins and recycle scrap. This process costs much less than what they have to pay for the original money.

However, it is not as easy as it sounds. As time passed, many con artists have entered the market to deceive people. They deceive people by putting the fantasies on Internet ads that offer more than twice the value of the jewellery which will be sold. Make sure that inform you the authorities if you come across these ads because that person mention a price which is twice the value of jewellery. There is nothing more than an attempt to con people. These scammers take the jewels and then disappear without leaving a trail.

Make sure that you run a background check when you sell old of money at a refinery. Know that if they are deemed to be and how long they have been operating on the market. This will give a good idea about the company and will help you to determine they are credible or not. Never perform a monetary transaction, unless you are completely certain of the reliability of particular concern.

Once you are sure that you are dealing with a third party reliable, then you must send your goods for evaluation. Gemologists will evaluate the inventory and offer a price for it. If you choose to accept the offer, and an audit will soon be send to you. It is more advantageous for you to stay a little up to date with current prices before when you sell old of money that you can reach a better agreement.

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How protect you the economy! S and p downgrade of credit we

Silver and Gold became more and more popular today. It used to be that everywhere where you expected you have seen the signs "Buy us houses," now see you everywhere "we buy gold." The gold and silver trend is picking up, the main question is are you capitalizing on it?

We had a few new scary hit yesterday. The S & P announced that the United States credit rating has been decommissioned! If you do not know what this means, it means that we as a country, basically have a worst credit rating and will find it more difficult for us to borrow money. This leads to inflation, the weakening of the dollar American and silver and gold increased rapidly.

If you choose to strictly buy bullion or diversify with numismatics, which is to you, however in both cases you will begin to see silver and gold more visible in the media. Personally, I think that money is the best way to go as the historical gap is not even close between the gold and silver right now. The two, but you will see are beginning to gain from the application.

A common Question: but what happens if I don't have enough money to invest large amounts?

That's ok! You can begin by gathering each month and grow from there. My goal is to educate the public on what is really happening in our country right now. If you have silver and gold, physical step (no, I don't mean the ETF or that your precious metals are stocked away in a safety deposit box), then it is important that you find out about important how to diversify your portfolio with silver and gold. I say physical because even now with what is happening with JP Morgan you can never be too cautious to trust others with your investments.

Go to the coast of not having enough to invest, there are ways to earn more money while collecting gold and silver of the pair. Do what is best for you and your family, to review your budget and diversify where you put your money. Let me conclude by saying that I am not a financial planner, but I have extensively studied this, and it is simply a fact that the money and gold will begin to rise very shortly, and will begin in the fall of the dollar. Ask yourself, are you ready? Otherwise, it's ok, because I did not either until I found a reliable source to treat. My final words of advice are to take this information to heart and be aware of what was going on.

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How the economy can have a direct influence on the price of gold

How high was the price of gold? Spot Gold hit $1500 USD per ounce and it seems there is still much room for it to go a little earlier.

The price of gold is determined by a number of different factors. Like any commodity, offers and demand plays a key role in the price of gold. When supply is tight and high demand, the price of gold increases. Conversely, when the offer is more abundant and demand not as large, the price of gold will tend to fall. In the world today, economy, gold is in high demand. Countries such as China and the India have accumulated large amounts of precious metal and helped lead the higher price.

Looking at the whole of the economy, gold represents stability in what is a very unstable economic environment. Troubled with Sterling recently declining Dollar made gold owner an attractive alternative to the holding of cash loses purchasing power he gets devalued due to certain market conditions.

The imbalance of imports and exports contributes to the value of the currencies of the world, but does not change the value of gold. However, in a country is assessed in the same amount in another country.

Inflation in different countries as well as in the world is a major factor which causes demand for gold rises and drives prices higher and higher. Because gold is a physical asset and has a limited amount of supply, it is not subject to the same as fluctuations in paper currency that can be printed at will by any country. More money is printed the less each unit is really useful. Therefore, holding an ounce of gold will always allow to buy the same amount of goods or services in today's economy, as it would have bought it 10 or 20 years ago. Which cannot be said of paper currency.

The world economy is still struggling. Countries such as the Ireland, the Greece and the Spain have all experienced serious financial problems and their debt ratings have declined. It is psychologically comforting during tough economic times and it seems that there will be many more difficult days to come. It is not too late to invest in gold.

Preserve your wealth, investing in gold coins. Popular exhibits include Krugerrands, American Eagles, Canadian Maple Philharmonic & Austrian.

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Happening now - the next evolution of money

In the history of the currency, there has been many changes in how money is managed and how transactions occur.

Originally, thousands of years previously, there was barter. I give you a sheep. You give me a few wheat. I give you wood for construction. You provide me food. It was inconvenient because each party had to find a satisfactory barter for each transaction partner. In addition, it was quite geographically limiting transport problems.

Money came. Silver and gold coins were used. It provided a more impartial way to store wealth. I could give you money for food. You could take the money and buy leather. The person who sold leather could buy what he wanted with the money received. It allowed more freedom in transactions.

Over time, use of the currency is transformed by including paper currency. The paper has been easier to manage than the heavy parts. Finally, the paper has been removed from the gold standard entirely. Also, in more modern times, came the transition to the cheques, credit cards and debit cards.

In other words, the world of money and how the money is used in the world has evolved over time.

Again, we enter another era of evolution.

As currencies of the world around are devaluing, as rising inflation, individuals, businesses and nations alike are looking for a response.

This response came and operates in Europe for several years and is about to extend to the world.

The first alternative currency consisting of gram, half-gram, two gram and five gram 999,9 kinebar pure gold bullion has arrived.

It's not coins. They are pure gold 999.9 embedded in a map of size of credit card with a hologram and serial number and the certificate of authenticity can be verified by a jeweller.

What is the advantage of this?

As fiat (paper) currencies lose their value, the value of gold increases. As inflation increases, need more money (or other currency paper) to buy the same amount of gold. It therefore appears as the value of gold increases.

If you keep your money in a Bank, the Bank can provide you with 2%. Inflation is currently amounting to 10%. This means that you have a net loss of 8%.

However, if you place the same amount of gold coins, as inflation rises, the value of your gold goes up. While the dollar loses value, gold gains in value.

As stated earlier, historically, for various reasons the world is moved from barter coinage of paper checks of credit card for debit cards. It is now to make the next stage of small transaction size kinebar 999.9 pure bullion.

What happens now.

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vendredi 29 juillet 2011

Gold chasing the $ 1,500 mark

     All the Gold ever extracted is 160,000 tons (in 2009) , The American Debt = 14 Trillion Dollars = 1.8 All the Gold ever extracted in Human History !!! The monetary mass in the US is increasing by 15% a year ! Total gold divided by people in the world gives each of us 23 grams.

Gold chasing the $ 1,500 mark

Gold  Rally has touched today the psychological threshold of $ 1,500. In New York quotes splashed to $ 1,498 after the S&P Standard & Poor's has revised to 'negative' its outlook for the United States economy. Gold, has a strong correlation with the greenback and crude oil, The Dollar is weak and the crude oil is heading to $150 (according to analysts ) all bullish signals for the Gold . there is also the demand from emerging markets for the physical gold as multi-trillion dollar foreign exchange reserves from emerging economies chasing spot gold markets which fare in billions of dollars. The percentage of reserves in gold of emerging economies is still 1.5 to two per cent of their total reserves. Silver prices also continue to move higher! 

samedi 14 mai 2011

How does Inflation affect the value of gold

   Ingots of gold per ounce price increases every time that the price of the currency in which it reads decreases in value. As such, there is an inverse relationship between the price of any currency and the gold bars and gold coins price in that currency.
The currencies of all the major economies are set to swell to at least the medium-term and short-term. It is the financial crisis of 2008. When this happened, the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and a large part of the European Union had their central banks engage in a type of quantitative easing. What quantitative easing, is when central banks essentially increase the money supply to provide the most money and counter the effects of the credit crisis.
One of the most important effects of the financial crisis of 2008 was the credit crunch, which means that several banks have stopped borrowing money; That made it so that it is much more difficult for businesses, entrepreneurs and consumers to obtain loans that they need to order supplies, pay the staff, to invest broadly products and services and build new facilities.
As the global economy is very dependent on a large amount of consumption is made, the inability of individuals to large corporations to borrow money to finance new purchases and consumption again threatened the vital element of the global economy. To counter this, the central banks intervened in with programs called quantitative easing. While to some extent, this has limited the amount of damages that the credit crunch may have caused, it is have the secondary effect unfortunate cause inflation. It is the extra currency is in circulation.
Other countries such as China and the India were engaged in an inflationary monetary policy; China produced for example a high similar to that of the United States economic recovery. However much money in the stimulus plan.
What this means specifically for the price of gold, is that it would recover. The price of gold will rise because the price of gold is always linked to a currency. When the value of the currency stopped, as it is inflation, the price of gold will be ready to; to capitalize on this, savy investors buy gold coins and bars. Popular gold coins include 1 oz Krugerrand, which is recognized and traded around the world.

Stop the inflation! Invest in the most popular online affairs here!

How to buy gold for investment - invest more secure

    Many novice investors have the same question: how to buy gold for investment. He responded by more experienced investors and if you are in the same situation as the other rookie or new investors have been in as well, as it is very important to know what gold is and the different forms that gold can appear inthe value of gold and of course, things to do and the things of the purchase of gold. There is a lot of people who have been victimised, and what to you will prevent from being the next victim.
Know the facts before you buy

How To Buy Gold Low

 If a buyer lives nearby or is located near a vendor or a merchant, it is desirable that the purchaser out and examine the precious metal which is sold before paying in fact for her. One of the most used advice of professionals and experts in the business of gold and silver is to acquire and have knowledge of the total weight first gold in question before you buy it in reality. The weight will determine the value of the piece and will then determine the price of gold.
Gold and silver investments, it is imperative to weighing the exquisite metal before a big cash bundle. This fact prevents buyers to pay for all that is fake and phony. Another essential factor before buying gold for investment is to know what the current cash price is in the purchase. This can really help investors rookie and buyers for many novice and steer away from bad business.
Buyers who live in the vicinity of a dealer or seller is not always the case. This should not be a big problem, because there are many other ways on how to have a secure transaction. Gold coins, bullions, bars and other forms of gold can still be purchased for investment through World Wide Web. It is actually considered the safer and more secure method side living nearby with a vendor. Make sure that you search on the bottom of a vendor first, to avoid the waste of time and money.
Research on a company online or background information and a dealer online, you will prevent wasting your effort, your time and your money on some false person or a fraudulent company for your investment in gold and silver. It is best to research on the reputation of a company or a broker in the first place, because in this way, you will be able to discover and whether clients past or people have filed complaints against them, or if these dealers or companies are in fact those so unscrupulous.
In the purchase of gold coins, money, or bullions of bars, comparing the different prices of several companies or vendors is also one of the highest recommendations. This strategy is an excellent way to make a good case for the transaction, you get the best out of your money. Whenever you compare prices on the World Wide Web, you can easily get the idea of who to buy at the importance of the calculation of other expenses such as manufacturing and insurance as well.
Gold and silver investments should not be taken lightly and if you are one of the investors rookie looking for an answer to the question on how to buy gold for investment, to ensure that before a large piece of your savings accountyou are already prepared with basic knowledge of how to be in the business of gold and silver.
Aaron kutchinsky is a writer, speaker and activist committed financial.
In 2010, Aaron created and founded Guardian Gold & Silver as a final and innovative alternative to the standard of the industry of gold, a company focused on the mission and revolutionary of precious metals with 3 goals specific to the spirit:
Do the right thing.
 Encourage other people to understand.
Get in the boat as possible as well.
It is extremely important understand the current world financial paradigm, which is now well underway.

Check out also:  Buy Gold Low

The purchase of facilitated Platinum

     Unlike gold and silver, which have been used for centuries as raw and silver, Platinum is a newcomer that is just beginning to gain popularity. This is because Platinum has been almost impossible to refine until advanced fusion technologies had been invented. This happened in the early 19th century. Then only could used for money and for industrial purposes.
Today, Platinum, in addition to its various industrial uses, is sold as a bar of Platinum and platinum coins. Mints Government around the world, of the Canada, Australia and the United States, now produce platinum coins.
As the metal palladium, which is often found naturally mixed in with Platinum in mining operations, Platinum is subject to price fluctuations wide uproar as because of its many industrial uses. For example, if the industrial demand decreases, then Platinum also lower prices.
However, the diversity of the industry uses help to protect fast in swings of volatile prices in the price of Platinum disk. Platinum is used in the production of jewellery and, more importantly, in the catalytic converters; environmental concerns are beginning to permeate the developing world, catalytic converters increased rapidly in popularity. This ensures a perpetual request and Platinum rising, putting pressure on the price to increase.
The fundamentals of the Platinum Award are relatively healthy, especially when they are compared to the value constant decrease of the currencies of fiat which are not related to any goods. The most important reason why Platinum historically well is because there is a very limited offer. Only two regions in the world, one in Russia and the other in South Africa, produced almost all of the annual supply of Platinum. These extensive mining operations are barely meet the annual demand. This dynamic pressure on the prices of platinum coins and bars of Platinum to increase.
Nevertheless, Platinum still retains its value well over time, especially against the devalued fiat currencies and inflate the pound sterling, the euro and the US dollar. Because of this, many investors have been Platinum a choice in their investment portfolio diversified. It essentially works as a defence against inflation, while retaining a certain value higher industrial demand. In the current economic climate, where central banks and Governments around the world produce inflation, now more than ever, the Platinum appears as a shining star to those who seek to preserve their wealth in these times of economic uncertainty. As long as Governments keep printing to try to save savings silver, Platinum is set to enjoy. For more information about the Platinum, see BullionUK.com.

Kindly, begin your market here ! The bank of affordable Platinum

How to buy gold - basics


    A precious metal which has long been used in antiquity as a method of Exchange and trade is gold. Economic problems such as inflation, low interest rates and the value of the currency or the currency taking a dip did not influence how the value of gold or silver must be. In other words, gold is safer money there. How to buy gold is the question you must first request especially if you are a novice in this area. Make sure that you know the basic principles on how to verify the authenticity of gold.
Gold bullions and other forms of gold have proven that it is one of the most secure vaults of wealth and power, and they have an innate hedge against economic crisis present long. When disaster strikes the economy, inflation follows. When this happens, but actually has the tendency to increase its rate and its value. The fall of the currency is expected to continue in the future, and who wish to invest in a paper money which is guaranteed to completely disappear in the future?
Gold and its different forms
But can be limited, and this is the reason for which the application of these precious metals is high, not just because of its native sheen and tones which is really hard to ignore and resist. Gold comes in different forms such as bullions, gold bars, inventory, coins and of course, the most common of all since we see them every day, are jewelries. Buying gold to save your purchasing power that the current legal tender money will not able to provide in the near future, it's a smart move.
An essential factor which must take the time to research on the front to buy all the precious metals is the liquidity that comes with the various and numerous forms of this precious metal. Parts may differ in their size and their gold content, so their prices also vary the content of gold they have. Gold jewelry is known to appear in many shapes and sizes so and these pieces of jewellery were also different rates, and a value. Take enough time to research this information go far in helping you choose.
If the purchase is for personal reasons, to purchase gold coins or gold jewellery pieces are your best choice. American Buffalo coins are pieces in the purest form gold content gold is really high, so their value is also expensive. Jewelries are found on almost every street, due to the many shops of jewellery and wages that are sure to find anywhere. Jewelries made from gold sales, however, do not have the same guarantee that things can go for a higher price than what you actually paid for the room.
The gold bars and gold coins have ensured liquidity. Their content is authentic and the resale of these forms of precious metals also follows an easy process. Ingots of gold is the most popular of all forms of this precious metal, because it is the most liquid of all, and if you have plans on everything that you intend to buy now the resale, the form of precious metal of gold that many experts recommend is then gold bars.
The best place to begin your search, your search is of course by the World Wide Web. Many people buy gold online, since this is the easiest way without too much hassle. You can view the different products and the price of gold for the different forms. Many dealerships to or conduct their business online, and answer to your question on the purchase of gold will be easily by these experts of the company.
Aaron kutchinsky is a writer, speaker and activist committed financial.
In 2010, Aaron created and founded Guardian Gold & Silver as a final and innovative alternative to the standard of the industry of gold, a company focused on the mission and revolutionary of precious metals with 3 goals specific to the spirit:
Do the right thing.
Encourage other people to understand.
Get in the boat as possible as well! Here!
It is extremely important understand the current world financial paradigm, which is now well underway. 

How to safely buy gold - be on the lookout !!

   For many centuries, gold has been accumulated and desired by many people in the world. Especially in times of economic and political uncertainty, people cited as a means to protect their wealth. The advantage of this precious metal, is that its value does not depreciate even when the economy is declining. If you are planning to invest in gold, then there are a few options that you can choose to make sure that your wealth is secure. Before deciding if there are some things that you should know about buying gold safely.
Where and how to
Given that this exquisite metal is so rare and valuable, many people also consider as an opportunity to mislead others by engaging in fraudulent activities. The United States, the Eagle of the U.S. Mint has edge and is strongly recommended to any bullion coin is exchanged, since it is widely accepted and has the best resale value. There are several varieties of bullions of gold for the sale and you might own different types, but it is your decision to purchase based on who calls you.
When it comes to size, one ounce is the most consistently traded and more convenient to buy among other. This size has the lesser percentage difference between the sale and purchase of gold prices. If you are interested in investing in coins, they can be purchased online on the site Web of US mints. This Web site may be the answer to the purchase of precious metals safe. New parts are available, but if you are interested to buy valuable pieces, you may need to find a dealer confidence to buy from which are also available on the Web page.
Be cautious when in the search for a dealer of confidence is a must and obtain information on their Web site can give you all the details you are looking for among a list of national distributors to dealers near your area. If you do not want to buy bullion online then you can purchase brokers ingots trustworthy, which is a way to get your hands on them safe.
Silver and other metals is also sold in some banks and whether they are able to give you information on recognized gold dealers. Before the purchase, but, it is a good idea to do your own research on the company, especially if this is your first time or if there is no reliable person who could guarantee their reputation. Search reports or complaints to the company you have chosen to Better Business Bureau assistance allows you to make your decision, if you believe that information that you had Internet is not enough.
Jewellery is another form that precious metals are well known for and many people interested to invest their money on them, although it may not be the best. You must remember that not all jewellery are investment grade gold. For example, 14-Karat needs more refining since it is not pure enough to be as valuable as ingots or coins.
As with any form of investment that make you, purchase of precious metals form any must time and planning. It must be that, before making your decision, you should think about the purpose of your investment. Make a plan for the future, since the price of gold is ideal for long-term gains. And never forget to do your research. This way you can be sure that you made the correct decision and that your time and money is not put to waste. There is some information that could help you buy gold safely.

Silver $ 50 in 2011

    One of the successes most surprising of the past year in the world of investment was the epic boom of the prize money. More than 80% in terms of U.S. dollars in 2010 only, silver is on an absolute tear since the financial crisis of 2008. Due to rapid increases in prices, many analysts are openly wondering if the money trade got too crowded and that the cash price are ready for a serious correction in the near future.
While the advances of the silver are undoubtedly impressive, it still has a long way to go before reach us the territory of the "bubble". There are two main forces fueling the steady rise of the silver: one is purely monetary, while the other is largely industrial. Investors in the country developed as well as the emerging middle class in countries such as the India and China are sinking in the money in large part to inflation. Despite guarantees to the contrary effect, the central banks of the world are engaged in a competitive devaluation of their own respective currencies. In the race to the bottom, everybody is the loser. Prudent savers around hard world want money, fiat step promises. This is why millions have decided to purchase money.
More important still, industrial demand for silver bullion continues to grow beyond the current mine production. As the element with the highest available electrical conductivity, silver is found in almost every imaginable electronic device on the market. Every cell phone, the motherboard and CPU manufactured today contains silver, and the vast majority of it will end up in a landfill site. In this sense, money is a non-renewable resource that is rapidly being depleted. When the supply crunch hits the money market in the near future, you can expect the price to the silver arrow.
The last piece of the puzzle is murky global. If you've been paying attention to the news lately, you know that the Middle East is elevated. The rest of the developing world is not better off than the Arab countries in terms of stability. In the light of all this turmoil, investors are seeking real assets. This time, they turn US Treasury bonds. This is why it is imperative to buy silver now while it's still a decent bargain. In 1980, the prize money peaked at US $50 per ounce, on the much weaker fundamentals. Corrected for inflation, that the price would be about $170 today. While investing in the silver mines of stocks and ETFs are all well and good, nothing beats the real thing to own.

Cash for gold online jewelry - basics

The thing most people think of when you mention the purchase or the sale of gold is the large rows of bricks held gold in places like Fort Knox Kentucky, or some dusty Bank, dank vault in Switzerland. Or they can think of a giant hole in the ground disappears in the vastness of black tunnels is broken only by the small version of rails of the road which the cars transporting the ore from the ground on. Even if the public vision and familiarity with gold may bind in either of these mental images, there is actually a side realistic and flexible for species of jewellery in gold, which is also called gold from scrap metal.                             
      How to make fork bracelets
New and old gold jewelry and scrap gold worth money!
Most people don't even know that the decorations they wear to the club or to parties actually has a great value outside the jewellery, from which it was purchased. Whereas your Pearl necklace, bracelets, watches, pendants and ear rings can be useful to many more than you think it is, you have a great reason to look at it. It is valid even if it is broken or if you have only a single ear-ring or a whole. The completion of all has nothing to do with the amount of gold that is actually contained in the jewelry, so you can expect get cash for gold jewelry regardless of the condition that it is. The most important to understand in the case of part, it is that you get cash for gold jewelry based on the amount of gold in the element, not the design, that he or the sentimental value, it is for you.
Many people who is not aware of the value of gold received in an inheritance or succession of any kind. Get your gold this way can not leave you any idea of the current value, since you have no idea how much was paid for it, or how much gold is in it. The only really good way to know that it is a value is to send in a store and that it assessed. This process is to have a specialist of the value or look at the element and a basic analysis on the purity of gold. Once this is determined, there are several ways to calculate the exact amount of gold, which is expressed in grams.
What is the best way to get species of gold jewelry?
The method more, I recommend that you use, is to send it to a buyer of gold online, who pays for shipping for them. They tend to deal with clients less and can take time to evaluate with precision the value of your gold jewelry, which will lead to a better price for you. Once completed, you are notified and offered a price for it. When accept you it, your money is sent immediately, and many offer even style PayPal Instant payment methods. If you choose not to accept the award, or is shown to be false or, or only plated, then your object is shipped back right you so you can continue to use it.

Pieces of Gold Bullion Vs purchase: who is the best investment?

   The traditional approach to invest calls people fill their portfolios with blue chip shares and obligations that will regularly increase in value over the years. This philosophy is perfectly acceptable when the economy is booming and the market are stable or expansion. Under these conditions, your portfolio will likely an annual return of 5-8%, leaving you with a nice retirement nest egg.
But what happens during periods of economic crisis? When grave at the bottom of the market, across the portfolio can be rubbed out in a few months, which is why smart investors diversify by acquiring of gold. Precious metals have proven that they can maintain their value independently of the ebbs and flows of financial markets, making the metal a very desirable for shares, bonds, mutual funds and alternative same IRAs market.

When it comes to the acquisition of gold, investors must decide what form they would like to buy. The two main options are bullion (metal formed in bars or coins, where the value is the value of the products of the metal itself) or Investment Grade parts (the parts that have been certified for their age)(, the State and rarity, where the value is based on supply and demand for the room she mêmeindépendamment of its metal content). Although both forms have their benefits, the average investor who is not very experienced in commercial products is best to stick to the Investment Grade coins.
Here are two reasons:
Less volatility. Since Investment Grade coins are not subject to the "spot" price of gold as bullion is, their value is much more stable. It is driven by the supply and demand. Since supply is constant (no more than currency 1848 is currently hit, for example) and the application tends to grow over time, there is always much less volatility in the market of certified exhibit.
"perfect Timing" not a problem. Many investors turn to precious metals down the yo-yo stock market, to find that investing in bullion has its own cyclical ups and downs. To save money, investors have the right time and buy when it is low and sell when it is high. With Investment Grade coins, the market is not the same peaks and valleys that performs the commodities market, so investors can pursue a strategy of "purchase-and-hold" and look at the value increase over time.
Although many people may consider "coin collection" a hobby more than a financial strategy serious, more and more investors are make that enter the market of the Investment Grade coin is a viable strategy that can protect and grow long-term assets. 


Silver and gold salvation

Salvation is ultimately the Act and the deliberate choice of an individual who took the decision of creatively shaping their future.

Sal?va?tion - noun
1. the law to maintain or protection against harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
2. the State to be registered or protected by lesions, risk, etc.
3. a source, the cause or the means to be saved or protected by lesions, risk, etc.
4. the issuance of the power and the penalty of sin; redemption.

In theological terms or on a daily practical basis, the choice for salvation was born of a vision of a better tomorrow, and we all are called to accept or refuse such decisive possibilities every day of our lives.

The challenge more difficult, that we face is to be aware of and understand our choices and to find the strength to exercise our will. Because it is not logical, neither intelligence nor special insight that gives us the courage and foresight to take action. Instead, it is by our own personal grace that allows to gain the courage to overcome the actual Devils of our human nature in order to dynamically steward our personal development, the development and sustainability. Grace gives us the courage to get rid of usual dead narcoleptic irons and opinion hardened and dull and choose a specific creative future.

Gold and silver salvation is now

The financial world that you've grown up is complete. He did not reach any both and the major decisions that led us here were made for decades. Nevertheless, most high and wide of everyone you know is in a State voluntary and determined of ignorance as to the true reality of our world today. Actually attend us and participate in the largest and most dramatic world paradigm shift history has never known and only those who take cautious and conscious action will be in a State of muscle economic viability.

In fact, on the greatest world stage debate and conversation on the empire of the United States and the Dollar is above. If you just look at you will find nothing other than overwhelming evidence that the global financial system is moving to protect and to position themselves away from the Dollar and its failure toxic and corrosive. Imagine for a moment: is not the Dollar failed you constantly for your life? Each year brings you less purchasing power?

Reality: The Dollar is the class of underperforming assets over the past 40 years and has lost an amazing 80% of its purchasing power since 1971, the year that we have broken the last link between the dollar and gold. Do you think this incredible inflation is normal? It is not - it is only the indisputable evidence of a dying currency. All paper currencies are not reaching 100% of the time without exception, and this is how they do. It is because they are not real money and exist as a practical tool for the Government and their accomplices of banker until the debilitating forces of massive debt and fiscal madness seal their fate.

Your personal financial salvation is at hand. All you have to do is consider as true problem and ask yourself if it makes sense to have all your hopes invested in a piece of paper that has lost 97% of its purchasing power since the US began to maintain any real value?

Your work has been transformed into dollars and denominated instruments and they are all vulnerable. What is you have developed all the options?

Pull the thread yourself, and see where it leads you. Rid your calcified opinion rings and expectations in a certain way tomorrow will be like yesterday and discover if your intuitive feelings are correct, because we know all at any level that something is terribly wrong. This article is another clue for you, who came to the attention and consciousness by a kind of mysterious grace, you are being called to discover, namely and to act - and to do so now.

Gold and silver are real money. In the classic sense of the term, they are your economic salvation. This has been their functions and the purpose for thousands of years. Unfortunately, most people will choose to ignore all the posters and each piece of evidence that the world has changed and we must act in accordance with our actual reality. Please don't be one of them.

Salvation is a personal choice and an affirmation of life. Please choose wisely. Or step, but be prepared for the consequences of this choice, because the future is already here.

Aaron kutchinsky is a writer, speaker and activist committed financial.

In 2010, Aaron created and founded Guardian Gold & Silver as a final and innovative alternative to the standard of the industry of gold, a company focused on the mission and revolutionary of precious metals with 3 goals specific to the spirit:

? Do the right thing.
? to encourage other people to understand.
? Get in the boat as possible as well.

It is extremely important understand the current world financial paradigm, which is now well underway. Visit http://www.guardiangoldandsilver.com/ for more information and knowledge.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_Kutchinsky

Aaron Kutchinsky - EzineArticles Expert Author

View the original article here

Is the new Gold Medal Silver

These days investors have a bit of worry. The economy is recovering very slowly, inflation is a real threat, and there is a culture of competition from foreign economies. For most investors, in the period of uncertainty, they decide to buy precious metals such as gold and silver. Over the past 4 years, prices of gold and silver have been on the rise.

Investors look at metals such as silver and gold as a way of protecting their assets the value of the dollar should continue to fall. Over the last 54 weeks the price of the iShares Silver Trust has almost doubled. iShares Silver Trust tracks the price of money. It would be surprising, but silver did better than gold. And we all know is not an easy task.

And while the earnings that silver experienced are quite impressive, you must remember that gold bull market began before the silver. Always keep in mind that the money is not a stock. When you purchase shares you buy a piece of property of a company that produces revenues, earnings and dividends.

When you purchase a precious metal such as silver, you basically are betting that you will be able to sell the metal for a higher price in the future. I do not know that the money is the new gold medal, but it is very well when stocks are having a bad password. So if you think that stocks are in for a bad performance over the next years, silver is a good investment.

But you must be very pessimistic on the future of the us to invest heavily in money economy. In 2010, silver had a gain of 80%. It was its best gain since late 80. When you buy goods such as money after that they had such breakout year, generally not very good results.

If you are planning to invest money make sure you have a plan. You need to know at what price you sell before you invest. If prices fall to your predetermined level, exit immediately. Don't wait.

When it comes down to it, silver is a good investment if the economy continues to recover at a snails pace. However, if the economy is indeed better faster then what most people thought, then the money is not good as an investment.

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5 Reasons Silver is a good investment

Reason # 1 - the application of the money is on the rise

In the first two months of 2011, the US currency sold as much $ as did gold dollars. Only Chinese demand is 20%. Now, they are importing 112 million ounces. That should tell you how valuable money is.

Reason # 2: demand for Silver is in the sector of technology

Industrial production of money increased by 18% in 2010. It was the demand to increase money in the technology sector. More we see that the money used in computers, cell phones and other electronic devices. The health sector is also beginning to use the money more antibiotic properties. It is already used in clothing and several medical devices.

Reason # 3 - there is a shortage of money

A shortage occurs when there is more demand there is supply. Although there are millions of ounces of silver in the ground, it is not enough available on the market. The fact that it takes two weeks for the silver medal for hit shows that is not enough available inventory.

Reason # 4 - too much money on the world market paper

The US Federal Reserve and central banks around the world are still dealing with the high debt. They try to solve the problem by pumping more paper currency in the global market. Thus, the value of paper currency will continue to decline and the value of gold and other hard assets will continue to rise. Given that the Federal Reserve was created more than 100 years ago, the dollar has been on a steady decline. It has lost more than 90% of its value, and will continue to lose its value over time. Thus, the value of money will rise.

Reason # 5 - we are in a financial crisis

Inflation is often regarded as the main reason for hard assets such as place of gold and silver in value. However, this is not always the case. Take for example the 1990s, while inflation was between 1% and 6% per year. During this time, the price of silver and gold is a not move much. Why? Because no there was no demand. And no there was no application because that during this time the United States is experiencing a boom.

But currently, the US economy is not growing. In 2008 where everything seemed to collapse around us, made investors there was a serious problem and has chosen to invest in safer assets such as silver and gold. So that more and more people begin to realize that the Government cannot manage the current crisis, the price of silver will be arrow.

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10 Reasons to buy gold now!

If you look at the history, you'll see that gold retains always its value even when there is an economic depression and the national currency, in this case the dollar loses its value. Allocation of a portion of your investment in gold is almost like an insurance policy protects you against inflation. The price of gold will continue to rise as the dollar continues to lose value. Here are 10 reasons you should consider buying gold now.

Reason # 1 - as I have already said, the dollar is weak and it will be more low over time.

Reason 2: the assessment of the price of gold consist for any loss of interest incur you.

Reason # 3 - banks around the world increase their gold holdings. I wonder why?

Reason # 4 - all gold funds are an increase in movement. Especially with bullion. This trend should not slow down soon.

Reason # 5 - recent years have been very similar to the 1970s when gold passed $ 38 to well over $ 800.

Reason # 6 - currently, the consumption of gold is not corresponding to the production of it. This is obviously a question of supply and demand. As demand increases, will be the price.

Reason # 7 - the Government of the United States and its bizarre economic policies are at the origin of federal spending out of control and uncontrollable deficit. This causes the dollar to be weak on the international level which means that the price of alternative investments such as gold, will increase.

Reason # 8 – now there is more than a trillion dollars of U.S. debt held by foreign interests. This debt could be repatriated at any time. Thus, there could be a significant decrease in the dollar and gold prices will soar.

Reason # 9 - part of your ability to gain on the stock market is buy low and sell high. Gold is still at a very low price. However, it is climbing fast and it is preferable to obtain now.

Reason # 10 – US Dollar is no longer safe haven international. This is due to several financial factors. One of main being a failing dollar. You must now invest in something that crosses all national boundaries and which is gold.

There are many more reasons why you should consider investing in gold now. At the end of the day, its all to protect what you already have against inflation which is almost inevitable in the coming times.

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5 Reasons you should invest in gold

Reason # 1 - global currency loses its value

The U.S. dollar is already very low, and will probably continue to fall. However, countries around the world are refusing to believe that the dollar is declining. Because of this global currency loses its value, which will cause gold to rise significantly. Gold is bought and sold in US dollars. If whenever the value of the dollar goes down, the price of gold back.

The dollar is the worlds reserve currency which means dictates just about everything. But since it is more supported by gold is nothing more then a piece of paper.

Reason # 2 - the application of gold is on the rise

Once the world is finally beginning to realize and accept what is current, they will seek an alternative to their paper money. This will reduce demand for gold to go sky high. To meet the demand, things such as gold ETF's have been created.

Investing in gold is an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and protect your wealth you have worked for many years. Although its price can sometimes be very volatile, it will always maintain its long-term value. Therefore it protects you against inflation.

Reason # 3 - much money floating around - AKA Inflation

As I said just above, or protect you from inflation. In fact, inflation is what determines the price of gold. That inflation increases, it is the price of gold. During the years of 1946, 1974, 1975, 1979 and 1980 inflation was at its peak. And during this time the yield on stocks, measured by the average Dow Jones index was-12.33%. On the other hand, during this same period, the yield on average gold was 130.4%. Big difference.

Reason # 4 - the financial system for the United States degrades

The Federal Government is currently in a deep sea of debt that they do not seem to escape. Because the deficit is so high, the dollar is linked to the collapse which would obviously make gold the best option.

Reason # 5 - gold used as money becomes Acceptable

Nations around the world, including Islam and the Argentina are moves to the safeguarding of their currency with gold. The reason why gold is considered an asset is because it never loses its intrinsic value as the US dollar.

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Investing in silver as money cash price increases

The value of money has exploded its price cash pleased money in three decades. So, what are the prospects for the prize money, the preferred profit strategies or parts of profit for the rest of the year? It depends on which expert you're talking about.

The silver per ounce price increased above $42.00 mid-April, a year 31 high. This is an increase of 32% for the year so far and more than doubled since last September. The question many are asking is where it goes from here, and how to position themselves?

The consensus of many professionals of the market is that the prospects for long-term money are always optimistic. But it is currently on purchased and a withdrawal may even at $30.00 may occur. Most seem to agree that silver is likely to run to a maximum of $50 at the end of the year, the bearish Outlook says that it can take 3 to 5 years to get to $50.00.

If you look at the ratio of gold silver history you will find lies between 16: 1 and10: 1. 16: 1 And an amount of $1,500 current price of gold would indicate silver is less appreciated and should be trading near $92 an ounce. Why not we at this level? However it is true or silver is sous-prix or the world has changed. I believe that it is the later.

Many of the existing investors are looking for ingots of silver as a cover of inflation, but it is really a part of history. Not only silver is undervalued versus gold, but silver is a hedge with a kicker industrial. The money is used in thousands of industrial processes and is in high demand. More than half of the money produced today becomes accustomed to buying industry. We have all seen the uses of money grow continuously in this era of electronics. Thirty years ago, that we have had a year twenty supply silver above ground for the industry. Today the supply is reduced to supply within a year.

Something is wrong here and the only explanation that I see is a kind of Government or manipulation of the Central Bank is happening for many years. This could be good for investors for money because when the corrections take place, they inevitably more draw mark balance by a considerable amount.

There is another issue of gold and silver prices driving good now that many are not aware of: gold and silver are in high demand in nation States. It's a game changer. The directory of the CPM or reported total overall number of ounces of precious metals purchased or sold by nations around the world. Since the beginning of the 1980s, sell Governments. In 2008, it was expected that 5 million ounces would be sold in 2009. CPM 2010 Yearbook shows or a net purchase of 15 million ounces. It is an indication that Governments around the world are beginning to be wary of the value of the dollar. And this does not include countries such as the Iran and China which does not declare their actions, but which are rumour to buy large quantities.

Finally, silver coins have become the "common human metal". If you are looking to buy precious metals and your choice is between $1500 an ounce of gold and silver at 40 dollars an ounce, most people go for $40 because it appears to be a boon.

If the money graph showed that money has moved too far too fast? Some are expecting a major attraction in price before continuing to test the 1980 record price of $50. Others watch the record price of 1980 and the price of inflation adjustment and see that the prize money cash must go to $130 an ounce to equal this record. Therefore, there could be a long way to go yet, without even taking into account the global financial situation today. I do not plan sell any silver bars or pieces of precious silver of if early.

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How to clean the gold and silver coins

If you keep your coins of gold and silver a barrier of protection as a plastic case, then you won't have to worry about keeping their own. However, if for any reason whatsoever, your parts show tarnishing, dirt or any other surface wear, then there are several ways to obtain their own.

The more simple you can do in your own House first, is to place a large bowl on a flat surface. Then, to get a sheet of aluminum, fold the and adapt it in the bowl. Then, fill the bowl with hot water. The warmer the water is best; This is because heat increases the speed and intensity in which chemical reactions take place. Now, take some baking soda and sprinkle in hot water. Finally, add some salt. Now, take the parts you want to without spot and immerse them in the solution. Leave them it y a little the and watch until all the tarnish has disappeared, flip a coin then so that all coins is exposed to the cleaning solution. Only the tarnish is removed; the valuable of money means.

This cleaning technique will not work on the tarnish. It works through a chemical reaction between baking soda, table salt, aluminum foil and the chemicals that make up tarnishing. Once the chemical reaction is complete, it consumes up to tarnish, remove from the room. However, if your silver coin has any dirt on it you very gently brushing this distance with a soft toothbrush and hand SOAP or dish SOAP. However it is deprecated, because it can damage the coin.

However, you want to be a little more cautious. This is because gold is a very soft metal. A mixture of thickness of bicarbonate of soda and water may be placed on a soft brush. Then, the toothbrush can be used very gently on the gold coin. After this, rinse the coins in the water and set somewhere to dry.

Be careful if you have a brilliant piece not distributed or a piece of special collection etc. Using these cleaning techniques can significantly reduce the value of these coins. However, if you have gold or silver and are only to use it as an investment hedge against inflation and the devaluation of the currency, and coin worth not considerably more than their value as metal, then these simple cleaning techniques can be perfect for your silver and gold coinsbullion or bars. Remember to be very soft, treat your parts with kid gloves.

For more advice see www.bullionuk.com

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Some useful for that, information on the sale of gold

When you start a job and start making money it is always a good idea to save some after your basic needs are supported. When most people think of saving the image of a large, former Bank building comes to mind, but it is not all you can do with your money. Investing money, it is also an excellent way to secure your nest egg. Invest in stocks and bonds is a risky investment, but yields are more numerous. But if you want to go to a sound investment at a lower rate of still always lucrative returns, people usually tend to buy some gold. The price of gold fluctuates every day, but more often it only increases so it is sitting, the amount of money you spend on gold can be considered a good investment.

When you sell gold there are a few tips and points, you must keep in mind that you get the possible contract. It is very important to inform you on how the market responds when the purchase and sale of this precious metal. This knowledge will help you find buyers who are sincere and be weary of those who are not.

On the sale of such an expensive asset, it is important to shop and get a few quotes from different buyers. Will each give you various different depending on the weight and purity (karat) digits of your gold and cash of the metal price in the market this day there. You must remember that if you are looking to find a trusted buyer then he or she will maintain as much transparency as possible. The buyer will be the effort to explain as well as educate you why gold you are about to sell an estimated the amount declared and will be able to answer all the questions, you may have.

Another useful trick is that once you get the quotation marks, you can compare prices for the real price of the metal market found online in the journal or by requesting same Jewellers. The quote nearest for the cash prize that day there will be your best choice. You must also make a concession to the fact that on the sale of the metal you will need to take a small loss, a small percentage which varies from dealer to dealer.

Buyers of gold - sell jewelry for cash for old gold, we buy but not desired. Sell gold us at prices in the industry, we buy gold in any wide condition of the Australia. We can assist you anywhere in the metropolitan area of Melbourne & Geelong

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Caroll_Giles

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